InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "clear"

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How do I clear the Delivery Flags for a Job?
Clearing Delivery Flags in the IMC 
How do I access jobs which have been archived?
Accessing jobs which have been archived 
How do I search for jobs in the IMC Queue?
Search for jobs in the IMC Queue 
How to review and eSign documents using InfraWare Dictation for iOS?
InfraWare Dictation for iOS eSign  
How can I save a job without finishing it?
Save without Advancing Workflow 
When do 'blanks' trigger the QA workflow step?
Blanks (QA Marks) in transcription & QA 
Is a transcriptionist allowed to edit a recently completed job in the ITC?
Allowing Transcriptionists to Edit Recently Completed Jobs 
What is the option to Re-queue for First Draft if eligible prior to routing to editing?
Requeue Jobs for First Draft 
Reprocess FD when Job Properties changed in Web Portal
Reprocess FD when Job properties changed in Secure Web Portal 
Best Practices in Dictation
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