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When do 'blanks' trigger the QA workflow step?

Answer / Solution

QA Marks Explained


The InfraWare Transcription Client includes the ability for an MT to route work to a QA Editor for review.  By default, when a QA Mark (blank) is added during the transcription process in the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC), that job is routed to QA, even if no other QA Requirements are in place and even if there is only one QA mark.

The industry term 'blanks' refers to missing words in a report due to a lack of clear understanding of the dictation or the need for verification of content.  The 'QA Marks' feature is much more powerful than simply leaving a blank line on the document, but the terms can be used inter-changeably.


When creating a QA Mark the system will add a time stamp at the current audio position of the recording. This allows the QA Editor to focus on the precise audio position and see any associated notes from the MT regarding that QA Mark, so please follow best practices and add the QA Mark as soon as you are unsure of a something. 

Note: Please consult with your administrator to make sure this workflow step is allowed.


An MT will use the following steps to create a QA Mark:

  • From the ITC Editor, highlight the blank (or a word you are unsure of).
  • Select "Edit", "Mark for QA" or with the Keyboard Shortcut "Ctrl + Q".
  • The Function Panel will load, the QA Mark will be added, along with the audio time stamp. 
  • Enter any noted information that will be helpful to the QA Editor by typing in the ‘Note’ section.
  • Continue with the job. The entry will be entered in the list of QA Marks.
  • You can duplicate these steps as needed for additional QA Marks.  There is no limit to the number of QA Marks in a job.

Removing QA Marks:

  • QA Marks can be removed at any time.  This is helpful if you fill in the blank or an item in question is clarified later in the dictation.
  • To remove QA Marks Press "F6" to access the QA Marks tab on the Function panel.  
  • Select the QA Mark you wish to remove from the list by clicking on it or arrowing up/down the list, and then press Alt + D or click the Delete button.

Note: If there are any QA Marks present when the job is marked as Complete, the report will enter the QA Workflow for review by a QA Editor.


Regardless of the above, if additional criteria calls for a job to go through QA, it will be queued for QA.  All QA Requirements on the platform are cumulative.  Any one requirement will cause the step.

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Last Updated
Thursday, December 2, 2021

blanks marks QA KB155
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