How do I see the jobs that I sent from the IDC? See the sent jobs in the IDC |
How does the Facility User manage Secure Web Portal Alerts? Manage Secure Web Portal eSign Alerts |
How do I use the Dictation Schedule in InfraWare Mobile for iOS? How to use the Dictation Schedule in the InfraWare Mobile for iOS Application. |
How do I upload files from the Olympus DS-330? Upload Files from the Olympus DS-330 IDC Explained |
What is the Account Dashboard? Account Dashboard Explained |
How do I setup the IDC for one-step retrieval? IDC settings One-Step Setup |
How do I Upload a Patient List? How to Upload a Patient List |
What are the steps for a new facility/client setup/on-boarding? Facility setup/on-boarding checklist |
How do Saved Searches work? How Saved Searches work |