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How do I use the Dictation Schedule in InfraWare Mobile for iOS?

Answer / Solution

InfraWare Mobile for iOS Dictation Schedule

InfraWare Mobile for iOS includes the ability to dictate from a schedule.  This feature requires that the schedule be pre-populated from the Secure Web Portal by a facility user or via an interface.  See KB593 for details on entering a schedule via the Secure Web Portal.

Tapping the Schedule link on the Workflow screen will take you to your schedule.  The number next to the link on the Workflow screen is the number of appointments which have not yet been dictated against.

At the top of the Schedule screen, you will find the option to view all appointments or just the pending ones (ones that have not yet been dictated against).  Tapping on one of the appointments will take you to the Dictation screen and will pre-populate the job properties from the appointment information.  Appointments can be dictated against as many times as necessary.


  • The schedule is retrieved from the platform going back 30 days. 
  • InfraWare Mobile for iOS will display either the complete schedule going back 30 days (i.e., "All"), or the schedule using the "Pending" filter. 
    • When the "Pending" filter is applied, only schedule entries which have not been used to create dictation will be displayed..
      • Once a job is created from a schedule entry, it will no longer display in "Pending," but will continue to display when "All" is chosen.  (This allows the user to create multiple jobs from a single schedule entry, if necessary.)
    • When the "All" filter is applied, only schedule entries that have not been used (i.e., had one or more jobs created from them) will display with a blue dot to their left, and schedule entries which have been used will display without the blue dot.




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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

InfraWare Mobile, IWM, dictate, dictation, schedule, appointment, KB605
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