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How do I submit an ITC error report to InfraWare Support? How to submit an ITC Error Report |
How do I submit an error report from the ITC? How do I submit an error report from the IDC? |
How can I let my Authors use First Draft Lite in the IDC? Allow Authors to use First Draft Lite to submit front-end results in the IDC |
How to send Spellcheck suggestions from the ITC Submit Spellcheck Suggestions in the ITC |
What is the purpose of Document Types? Document Types Explained |
What are 'External' ID fields? External IDs Explained |
How do I setup a SFTP Delivery Destination? Setting Up FTP/SFTP Delivery |
How do I create a document delivery plan? How to Create a Document Delivery Plan |
How does the InfraWare 360 platform use Document Types? Document types (work types) explained |