KB649 Print this KB      
How can I let my Authors use First Draft Lite in the IDC?

Answer / Solution

IDC Enable Authors Option


InfraWare First Draft Lite allows Authors to submit front-end speech recognition results produced by a 3rd-party product (such as Dragon) along with their audio dictation using the IDC. The First Draft Lite service consumes the submitted text, and process it through algorithms to detect headings, numbered lists and punctuation.  For more information about how to use First Draft Lite to submit front-end results, please see KB647.

Since the presence of front-end speech recognition results can potentially affect which pay and billing rates are used, some administrators may wish to limit access to this feature to only some Facilities.


To allow Authors in a Facility to use First Draft Lite, first go to the Facilities tab under Administration in the IMC.

  • Click the Administration tab ⇒ Facilities sub-tab.
  • Select the Facility you want to edit.
  • Under advanced view, scroll down to the Dictation section:

  • In order to allow the Facility to submit front end results, simply check the box labeled “Allow the use of First Draft Lite in the IDC.” The next time Authors in this Facility log in to the IDC, they will have the ability to submit front-end results on the recordings screen.

Related KBs
How can I use my front-end speech recognition software in the IDC?
Front-end speech recognition in the IDC
What is First Draft Lite?
Explanation of First Draft Lite

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Last Updated
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

front-end speech recognition, front end speech recognition in the IDC, Author FD First Draft Lite, frontend, KB649
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