InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "Author"

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How do I Create an Author (Dictator) User?
How to Create an Author (Dictator) User 
How do I enable authors for First Draft?
Enable Authors for First Draft 
What does the Display Filter do on the First Draft Authors page?
Filter authors based on First Draft grades 
How can I specify how the platform behaves for specific authors?
Author Settings explained 
How do I set a QA requirement for an author?
Routing to QA by Author 
Why are authors missing from my list of First Draft candidates?
Author candidates list for First Draft 
How do I manage Author Schedules?
Managing Author Schedules 
What is the Fraction Enable column in First Draft Author Candidate lists?
Fraction Enabled 
How is the default Document Type set for an Author?
Set a default work type for an Author 
How can I Allow (or Deny) Authors to Access Audio?
Facility Settings - Allow Authors to Access Audio 
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