InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "recognition"

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Is InfraWare a speech recognition vendor?
Transcription workflow and back-end speech recognition 
How can I use my front-end speech recognition software in the IDC?
Front-end speech recognition in the IDC 
What does the "First Draft Job" column in the Admin Queue mean?
First Draft column in IMC Queue 
What is the purpose of the Facility setting "Hide First Draft Labels"?
Hiding First Draft Labels 
What happens to a First Draft when the job goes to an MT?
First Draft jobs that are transcribed 
What does the Source column mean on the First Draft Author Details page?
Dictation sources for feeding into First Draft 
What does the "Enabled" column mean on the First Draft Authors Page?
Recognizing author's work enabled for First Draft  
How can I let my Authors use First Draft Lite in the IDC?
Allow Authors to use First Draft Lite to submit front-end results in the IDC 
How can I add words for First Draft to recognize?
First Draft Dictionary Explorer Explained 
When I create a new user, why are there fields to set up gender and accent?
Identifying gender and generic accent for authors 
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