KB535 Print this KB      
When I create a new user, why are there fields to set up gender and accent?

Answer / Solution

Gender and Accent Identification of Platform Users


InfraWare 360 provides administrators to designate if a user is Male or Female.
The system will default to Not Specified if no designation is made. You will find this setting on the author settings page. Refer to KB226 for directions on creating Author. Author enrollment is required for this option.


  • Log into the IMC using your username and password.
  • Navigate to the Administration tab, and select the Users sub-tab, find the Author and click their name. The User Settings page will appear.
  • Navigate to Facility Roles, and select Author Settings.

Below the gender fields there is a drop-down box for accent designation that allows the Admin to select between:

  •     American
  •     American, Southern
  •     American, Northern
  •     Spanish
  •     Asian, Indian
  •     Asian, Other
  •     Australian
  •     French
  •     British
  •     Eastern European

The system will default to Not Specified if no accent designation is selected.

These fields were intended to be used for users with the role of Author. The primary reason for these fields is for system analysis of author dictations in preparation for First Draft Dictation Recognition (speech recognition). As our system banks an appropriate volume of dictations from this author it will replace general profiles with author-specific profiles.

For their own reference, Admins sometimes choose to designate the gender of some transcriptionists and QA editors if gender is not apparent from the user's name. Otherwise, non-authors may be defaulted to Not Specified for these fields.

Related KBs
How do I Create an Author (Dictator) User?
How to Create an Author (Dictator) User

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Last Updated
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

KB535 Authors physician doctor gender accent speech recognition analysis
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