InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "accent"

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When I create a new user, why are there fields to set up gender and accent?
Identifying gender and generic accent for authors 
How do I Create an Author (Dictator) User?
How to Create an Author (Dictator) User 
What is the purpose of Document Types?
Document Types Explained 
Does InfraWare support Mac/Macintosh computers?
Limited support for Apple Macs 
How does the Quick Type feature work?
Quick Type Explained 
ITC Technical Overview
ITC Technical Overview 
How do I handle multiple reports in one dictation job?
Duplicating/splitting jobs 
What is the ITC Editor (Editor Window)?
Overview & Features of the ITC Editor 
What pointers can you give to troubleshoot the ITC?
ITC Troubleshooting Guide 
How do I use the job card feature?
ITC Job Card Explained 
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