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What happens to a First Draft when the job goes to an MT?

Answer / Solution

First Draft Jobs and Non-Editors

If workflow rules are set to allow speech recognition jobs to go to non-editors, the Administrator might or might not want the Transcriptionist to receive the First Draft text.  InfraWare 360 allows you to specify that behavior at the Account level.

Navigate to the Account Settings page.  In the IMC, click Administration, Facilities then click the Edit Account button.  Switch to the Advanced View and scroll down to the First Draft section:

Select either:

  • Drop First Draft, or
  • Include First Draft

When dropped, the job will appear to be any other transcription job.  When the First Draft is included, it will be treated like a First Draft job and the MT will be presented with the template populated with speech recognition results.

Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Account to save.

Related KBs
How do I control a Transcriptionist's access to First Draft work?
Enabling First Draft Editors
How do I send First Draft jobs to non-editors when TAT is approaching?
First Draft jobs to non-editors

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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

MT Transcriptionist editor speech recognition FD first draft KB532
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