InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "Cursor"

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How do I specify the cursor position after rewind in the ITC?
Cursor Position after Rewind Explained 
Why does my cursor move unexpectedly in the ITC?
Eliminating Cursor Movement in the ITC 
Synchronize audio and text during ITC playback
Synchronous playback 
What are the shortcuts for the ADT Screen in the ITC?
ADT Keystroke Shortcuts 
How can I use my front-end speech recognition software in the IDC?
Front-end speech recognition in the IDC 
How do I Control Audio Settings in the ITC?
ITC keyboard Audio Controls 
What is the Editing Auto-Capitalize Feature?
First Draft: Turn on Editing Auto Capitalize Feature 
How do I use the First Draft Template Training Environment?
Steps on how to access the First Draft Template Training tools in the ITE 
Why does Ctrl + Spacebar not work to toggle Synchronization on/off?
Troubleshooting Synchronous Playback with Ctrl + Spacebar 
How do I accomplish advanced setup in the InfraWare Template Editor?
Using advanced features in ITE 
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