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How do I specify the cursor position after rewind in the ITC?

Answer / Solution

Cursor Position after Rewind


When reviewing a document in the ITC Editor during editing of a First Draft speech recognized job, the audio and cursor position can be synchronized.  (See KB97 to turn this off/on.)  When synchronization is on, the cursor moves with the audio.  When the audio stops, there cursor stops and an ITC setting provides the user with some granular control over precisely where the cursor stops in relation to the word at which the audio stopped.


To specify this behavior in the ITC, load the ITC Settings (F10 from the main window). 

To change your preferences in the General User Settings screen, just follow the quick, easy steps below: 

  • From the ITC Main Window:  Select the Settings menu ⇒ User Settings option Edit User Settings or Keyboard Shortcut F10.
  • From the Editor:  Select the Tools menu Options User Settings

From the General tab, you will be able to:

  • Highlight Current Word
  • Highlight Rewound Word
  • Cursor After Current Word
  • Cursor Before Current Word
  • Cursor After Rewound Word
  • Cursor Before Rewound Word

This setting can provide an editor with a more comfortable and efficient experience for when they select and type to correct the document.

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How do I Change User Settings in the ITC?
ITC User Settings
Synchronize audio and text during ITC playback
Synchronous playback

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Last Updated
Friday, December 18, 2015

Cursor position rewind audio synchronize KB480
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