InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "maximum"

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Transcriptionist Setting - Limit Job Duration
Maximum Job Duration 
How do I set the maximum amount of time a job can be checked out by an MT?
Automatically return checked out jobs to server setting 
What factors determine how many jobs a transcriptionist can download?
Setting the maximum jobs for an MT to download 
Why isn't a transcriptionist receiving jobs when there is room in their Queue?
Identifying jobs that are checked out 
What happens in the ITC when jobs become no longer checked out to the MT?
Retrieval of Jobs report No Longer Checked Out in the ITC 
What is the Workflow Screen on InfraWare Dictation for Android?
InfraWare Mobile for Android Workflow Screen Explained 
Why are jobs for an Author who is enabled for First Draft not going through First Draft?
Troubleshooting jobs which did not go through First Draft 
What is the InfraWare Dictation for iOS Workflow screen?
InfraWare Dictation for iOS Workflow Screen 
What are the First Draft fields I can add to a template?
Speech recognition fields available for templates 
ITC Inactivity Timeout
ITC Inactivity Timeout 
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