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ITC Inactivity Timeout
This account-level feature allows an Administrator to determine when the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) will automatically set the ITC Worker Status to "....and Not Ready for new jobs" when it has been idle/inactive for a specified length of time. This will prevent jobs from downloading to the ITC when the user is not actively working in the ITC, contributing to poor TAT and work not being available to active Transcriptionists. Any jobs already downloaded are not impacted by this setting. The new logic will be triggered after ITC idle time exceeds 60 minutes (using other apps does not impact this). The idle time is evaluated by the background polling timer, which is responsible for checking in with the platform every 60 seconds. When that timer fires, if it finds an app idle time >= 60 minutes then the ITC Status will be changed to '... and not accepting new jobs'. This will work for all of the statuses that automatically download available jobs.
A user can easily change this back to "....ready for new jobs" when they are ready to download more jobs. See KB624 for details on ITC Worker Status.
- Go to the Administration tab, Accounts subtab, Settings page
- Scroll down to the Transcription section.
- Enter a value (in minutes) for the inactivity timeout. 0 means this is disabled.
- Scroll to the Bottom and click Update Account.
- ITC version or newer is required. Older versions will not observe this setting.
Downloaded jobs are not automatically returned. They will follow the existing logic for maximum timeout (KB303). See KB745 for details on automatic retrieval of the jobs from the ITC.