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What is the Workflow Screen on InfraWare Dictation for Android?

Answer / Solution

InfraWare Dictation for Android Workflow Screen


The Workflow screen is the main menu for the InfraWare Dictation for Android application.  Below that you will see links for the various queues that can be viewed.  The number next to each link represents the number of items in that queue.  Tapping on the link will take you to the corresponding queue.

  • Schedule:  Displays a list of appointments that have been entered for you in the Secure Web Portal by a facility user or via an interface.  Tapping an appointment will start a dictation against that appointment and pre-populate job properties with that encounter .

  • Drafts:  Dictations are displayed here if they have not been submitted to the platform.

  • Uploads:  Monitor the progress of dictations that have recently been submitted.  This will show dictations which are pending upload as well as those which have just recently been successfully uploaded.

  • Transcribing:  List of jobs that have been submitted to the InfraWare 360 platform and are currently pending transcription.

  • eSign:  Review documents that are ready for eSign-off.  Here you can eSign or Reject the document back to the QA Workflow step.

  • Complete:  Displays the last 60 days (a maximum of 500 documents) worth of completed documents on the InfraWare 360 platform. Tapping on any of the jobs in this queue will open the contents of the document for viewing. Job content is not stored locally on the device, but will be downloaded for viewing.




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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

InfraWare Mobile IWM Android Workflow Screen KB830
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