InfraWare, Inc.

Search Results
You searched for "jumping"

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Why does my cursor move unexpectedly in the ITC?
Eliminating Cursor Movement in the ITC 
Using placeholders (Jumps) to navigate or skip from section to section
Using Placeholders 
How does the Quick Type feature work?
Quick Type Explained 
How do you copy a platform user?
How to copy a user 
How do I use the Job Properties Page?
Job Properties Page Explained 
What is the InfraWare proprietary results interface format?
Free Results Interface: InfraWare Proprietary Format 
What are Detailed Stats?
Queue: Detailed Statistics Page 
How do I control a Transcriptionist's access to First Draft work?
Enabling First Draft Editors 
Facility Fax Logo
Facility Logo for Fax Cover Page 
Allow Access to Detailed Stats
Make Detailed Statistics Available in EHR Web Portal 
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