InfraWare, Inc.

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What are the best practices to be used with First Draft Phrases?
Best Practices for First Draft Phrases 
Best Practices in Dictation
What is the significance of a user's email address?
Email address as user ID 
How can I roll-back a version of the ITC/ITE/IDC?
How to downgrade to previous build 
How does a transcriptionist's Internet connection affect their work?
Overcoming Transcription Internet Connection Issues 
How do I accomplish advanced setup in the InfraWare Template Editor?
Using advanced features in ITE 
What does the Source column mean on the First Draft Author Details page?
Dictation sources for feeding into First Draft 
How can I suggest updates to the spell check dictionary?
Adding Words to Spell Check 
How does First Draft interpret frequently used commands in dictation?
First Draft and Frequently Used Commands in Dictation 
How is the default Document Type set for an Author?
Set a default work type for an Author 
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