InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "Auto-Capitalize"

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What is the Editing Auto-Capitalize Feature?
First Draft: Turn on Editing Auto Capitalize Feature 
How can I turn on auto-capitalization?
What is the ITC Editor (Editor Window)?
Overview & Features of the ITC Editor 
How do I setup the ITC to auto-save?
auto-save explained 
What is Auto-Open Next Job?
Auto-Open Next Job feature explained 
What is the account setting Auto-Return Jobs to Server when ITC is Closed?
Auto return jobs to server when ITC closes 
How can I setup auto-rewind when stopping playback in the ITC?
Controlling auto-rewind 
What is the ITE Template Tuner?
ITE template tuner feature explained 
What keyboard shortcuts (Keystrokes) are supported in the ITC?
Keystrokes supported in the ITC 
How can I prevent matching bad ADT info to jobs?
Setting Exclusions for ADT Auto-Matching 
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