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What keyboard shortcuts (Keystrokes) are supported in the ITC?

Answer / Solution

What are the keyboard shortcuts (keystrokes) supported in the ITC?


The foundation for increasing productivity is minimizing use of the mouse.  Each time the mouse is used precious seconds are lost as hands are removed from the keyboard to the mouse and then back to the keyboard.  This adds up to many minutes of potential productivity lost.  Effective use of Keyboard Shortcuts will definitely increase productivity! 

When learning and implementing new keystrokes, it is best to learn a few of the basic shortcuts first.  Do not try to learn all keystrokes or shortcuts at once.  Once you have mastered the first few keystrokes, add one or two new ones to your productivity toolbox until you have learned to use all of them and have minimized use of the mouse with transcription and editing. Keep in mind that you should only focus on the shortcuts for functions you use. This is a very individual process.  We recommend starting with the functions you use the most, such as opening a job, navigating/using the ADT screen, completing a job, and so on...

Updated April, 2021


The following keystrokes are supported by the ITC:

To view a printer-friendly version, please see the attached Keystroke Legend document.

Standard Keystrokes – Transcription and First Draft Jobs
Standard Keystrokes with Hyperlink to KnowledgeBase Article
First Draft Only Keystrokes
First Draft Only Keystrokes with Hyperlink to Knowledge Base Article
New Keystrokes in Latest Version of the ITC *NEW*

ITC Main Window
InfraWare Knowledgebase F1
Refresh F5
Edit User Settings F10
Mark Selected Job as Complete Ctrl + C
Duplicate Job Ctrl + D
Job Card Ctrl + J
Modify Job Properties Ctrl + M
New Blank Job Ctrl + N
Mark Selected Job for QA Ctrl + Q
Return Selected Job to Server Ctrl + R
Change User Ctrl + U
Exit Ctrl + X
Change ITC Status Menu Ctrl + F12
Save Selected Job Without Advancing Ctrl + Alt + S
Global Documents Ctrl + Shift + G
MT Normals Ctrl + Shift + N
Search for Jobs Ctrl + Shift + S
Account Normals Ctrl + Shift + T
Attach Selected Job as Addendum Ctrl + Shift + X
Mark Selected Job as Awaiting Addendum Ctrl + Shift + Z
Manage Masks Ctrl + Shift + M
Sort Results by Specific Column (1-9) Ctrl + Column # (1-9)
ITC Main Window - Manage Masks
Move Selected Mask to Top Ctrl + T
Move Selected Mask Up
Ctrl + U
Move Selected Mask Down
Ctrl + O
Move Selected Mask to Bottom
Ctrl + B
Move Selected Mask to Position
Ctrl + P
Edit Mask Ctrl + E
Insert New Mask Ctrl + N
Delete Selected Mask Ctrl + D
Toggle Active Ctrl + A
Select Option for Round Robin versus Sequentially Alt + W
Select Sort Queue Method Alt + J
Save Alt + S
Cancel Alt + C
ITC Editor - Function Panel
Job Info F1
Audio Controls F2
Document Specifications F4
QA Marks F6
Facility Messages F7
Feedback F8
QA Score F9
Toggle Function Panel F11
Return Focus from Function Panel to Editor Ctrl + F11
ADT Window - KB324
Accept ADT & Close ADT Window Hotkey Alt + A
Search ADT Hotkey Alt + S
MR#/Account#/Order#/PatientFirstName/PatientLastName - Open ADT Search with contents copied into the search Alt + S
Move to Next Section in the ADT Screen Ctrl + N
Move to Prior Section in the ADT Screen
Ctrl + Shift + N
Date Field Active/Inactive Toggle Ctrl + D
Date Field Activate Spacebar
Gender Selection - Male M
Gender Selection - Female
Gender Selection - Unknown
MR#/Account#/Order# - Paste Job Subject into that Field Ctrl + P
Attending/Referring/Admitting Physician - Paste Author Name Ctrl + P
Attending Physician - Paste 2nd level eSign Author's Name Ctrl + Shift + D
Attending/Referring/Admitting Physician - Search in Address Book
Ctrl + Shift + A
Paste content from the Subject field to ADT field in focus

Ctrl + Shift + P

Select ADT tab of the ADT Screen
Alt + Shift + A
Select UDF tab of the ADT Screen
Alt + Shift + U
Select UDF tab and set focus on the matching UDF text field (0 will match to UDF10)
Alt + 0-9
Set focus in the User-defined Date Fields on the User-defined fields tab. Alt + Shift + 1-5
Global Documents *NEW* Ctrl + Shift + G
Similar Jobs *NEW* Ctrl + Shift + J
ADT Search Window - KB325 & KB315
Search Hotkey Alt + S
Accept ADT & Close ADT Window Hotkey Alt + A
Results Area - View ADT Record for Selected Result Hotkey Alt + V
Cancel - Close ADT Search Window Hotkey Alt + C
Search By - Scroll through the list of ADT Fields to Search Up/Down Arrow
Move Focus to Search Text Box Ctrl + S
Move Focus to Results Area Ctrl + R
Results Area - Open ADT Record
ITC Editor - Audio (F2)
Volume Up Ctrl + Shift + + (by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)
Volume Down Ctrl + Shift + - (by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)

Amplification Up

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + + (by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)
Amplification Down
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + - (by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)
Pitch Up
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + ]
Pitch Down
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + [
Speed Up Ctrl + + (by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)
Speed Down Ctrl + - (by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)
Speed Neutral Ctrl + 0
Speed Default Ctrl + Shift + 0
Play/Pause Ctrl + \
Fast Forward Ctrl + ]
Rewind Ctrl + [
Toggle Synchronous Playback with First Draft - First Draft Only  Ctrl + Spacebar or F12
Disconnect Synchronization - First Draft Only  Any Arrow Key or Keystroke combination with an Arrow Key
Synchronize Audio to Cursor Position - First Draft Only  Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Spacebar
Toggle Silence Skip
Shift + F12
Waveform tab of Audio (F2) tab
Ctrl + F2
ITC Editor - Manage Job
Save Ctrl + S
Mark Complete Ctrl + Shift + S
Spell Check Shift + F7
Save Without Advancing Ctrl + Alt + S
ADT Ctrl + Shift + A
Attach as Addendum Ctrl + Shift + X
Mark as Awaiting Addendum Ctrl + Shift + Z
Open Selected Document on Attach Addendum window
Alt + O
CC's Ctrl + Alt + C
Duplicate/Split Job Ctrl + D
Similar Jobs (Reference Jobs) Ctrl + Shift + J
Modify Job Properties Ctrl + Shift + P
Display Attached Envelope Ctrl + Shift + E
Insert New Manual Envelope Ctrl + Shift + N
Display Delivery Screen Ctrl + Shift + D
Mark for Facility Message Ctrl + M
Select Next Facility Message Ctrl + Shift + M
Mark for QA Ctrl + Q
Insert Audio Position Time Stamp Ctrl + Alt + T
Select Next QA Mark Ctrl + Shift + Q
Select Next QA Score Mark Ctrl + Shift + W
Mark for QA Scoring/MT Feedback
Ctrl + W
Signature Status Ctrl + Alt + Q
Signature Field Code Ctrl + Alt + W
Level 2 Signature Field Ctrl + Alt + E
Level 2 Signature Image Field Ctrl + Alt + F
ITC Editor - Miscellaneous
(+ and - by the Backspace key, not on the number pad)
Display Normals Ctrl + N
Manage MT Normals Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N
Manage Account Normals Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T
Toggle Display of Control Characters (Pilcrow ¶) Ctrl + Shift + 8
Global Documents
Ctrl + Shift + G
InfraWare Knowledgebase
Ctrl + F1
Keystroke Legend
Shift + F1
Menu Access - File Menu in Focus
New Quick Text Entry
Alt + F3
New Quick Type Entry
Alt + Shift + F3
Manage QuickType
Ctrl + Shift + F3
Prevent QuickType/Autocaps Ctrl + Alt + Space
Discard First Draft - First Draft Only
Alt + D
Ctrl + P
Increase Editor Zoom

Ctrl + Alt + +

Decrease Editor Zoom Ctrl + Alt + -
Change ITC Status Menu Ctrl + F12
Return Focus from Function Panel to Editor Ctrl + F11
One Word Right Ctrl +
One Word Left Ctrl +
Next Paragraph Ctrl +
Previous Paragraph Ctrl +
Beginning of Line Home
End of Line End
Next Placeholder Ctrl + H
Previous Placeholder Ctrl + Shift + H
Beginning of Document Ctrl + Home
End of Document Ctrl + End
Beginning of Next Page Ctrl + PageDown
Beginning of Previous Page Ctrl + PageUp
Next Custom Field Ctrl + Shift + PageDown
Previous Custom Field Ctrl + Shift + PageUp
Move Cursor to/from Body to Header/Footer *NEW* Ctrl + Alt + B
Transcription and Editing
Move Selected Text to Selected Heading - First Draft Only Alt + H
Cut Selected Text Ctrl + X
Copy Selected Text

Ctrl + C

Copy Selected Text as Basic RTF Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Paste Selected Text Ctrl + V
Paste Unformatted Ctrl + Shift + V
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y
Delete Text to the next Period Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Delete Text to the prior Period Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
Delete Word to the Left of Cursor Ctrl + Backspace
Delete Word to the Right of Cursor Ctrl + Delete
Select All Ctrl + A
Select Paragraph Above Ctrl + Shift +
Select Paragraph Below Ctrl + Shift + ↓
Select Word to the Left Ctrl + Shift + ←
Select Word to the Right Ctrl + Shift + →
Find Ctrl + F
Replace Ctrl + R
Delete Character to the Left Backspace
Delete Character to the right Delete
Insert Patient Name
Ctrl + Alt + P
Table - Insert Row Above Ctrl + Alt + R
Table - Insert Row Below Ctrl + Shift + R
Insert Page Column Break

Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Required Space (Keeps two words together) Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar
Insert Page Break Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl + J
Line Feed Without Beginning New Paragraph Shift + Enter
Change speaker block (Q/A) - FD for Multiple Speakers ONLY Alt + L
Move Text to a new speaker block - FD for Multiple Speakers ONLY Alt + P
FD for Multiple Speakers - Speakers Tag Management *NEW FD for Multiple Speakers ONLY Alt + K
Insert Ellipse “ … “ *NEW Ctrl + Alt + Period
Toggle Display of Control Characters (Pilcrow ¶) Ctrl + Shift + 8
Bold Ctrl + B
Italic Ctrl + I
Underline Ctrl + U
Toggle Case Shift + F3
UpperCase Highlighted Word Ctrl + Period
LowerCase Highlighted Word Ctrl + Comma
Center Ctrl + E
Capitalize First Letter of Highlighted Word Ctrl + /
Decrease Hanging Indent Ctrl + Shift + T
Increase Hanging Indent Ctrl + T
Insert Hard Page Break Ctrl + Enter
Format Character Ctrl + Shift + F
Insert Symbol Ctrl + Alt + M
Hyphenate Word (changes "hyphen" to "h-y-p-h-e-n")
Ctrl + Alt + H
Bullets & Numbering
Bullets & Numbering Options Ctrl + Shift + L
1, 2, 3 Ctrl + 1
2, 3, 4 Ctrl + Alt + Shift + 1
A, B, C Ctrl + 2
a, b, c Ctrl + 3
I, II, III, IV Ctrl + 4
i, ii, iii, iv Ctrl + 5
Bullets Ctrl + 6
Continue 4, 5, 6 Ctrl + Shift + 1
Continue A, B, C Ctrl + Shift + 2
Continue a, b, c Ctrl + Shift + 3
Continue I, II, III, IV Ctrl + Shift + 4
Continue i, ii, iii, iv Ctrl + Shift + 5
Address Book
Display Address Book Ctrl + Shift + B
Toggle Focus to Results List
Ctrl + Alt + N or Ctrl + R
Return Focus to the Last Name Field
Ctrl + Alt + S
Insert Other - Telephone # Ctrl + T
Insert Other - Fax # Ctrl + F
Insert Standard - Address Block Ctrl + A
Insert Standard - Address Block as CC Ctrl + Shift + A
Insert Standard - Full Name Ctrl + N
Insert Standard - Full Name as CC Ctrl + Shift + N
Insert Standard - Full Name and Email Ctrl + D
Insert Standard - Full Name and Email as CC for selected entry Ctrl + Shift + D
Insert Standard - Full Name and Fax Ctrl + B
Insert Standard - Full Name and Fax as CC for selected entry Ctrl + Shift + B
Misc Actions - Add Envelope Only Ctrl + E
Misc Actions - Toggle Envelope Option in Address Book Window Ctrl + Shift + E
Misc Actions - New Email Instruction Ctrl + S
Misc Actions - Toggle New Email Instruction Ctrl + Shift + S
Misc Actions - New Fax Instruction Ctrl + I
Misc Actions - Toggle New Fax Instruction Ctrl + Shift + R
Misc Actions - Toggle Insert at Bottom Ctrl + Alt + I
Misc Actions -Toggle Close After Insert option
Ctrl + Alt + C
Misc Actions - Paste Entry in ADT Ctrl + Shift + V
Misc Actions - Enter Manual Address Ctrl + M
Misc Actions - Add CC Entry Only Ctrl + O
Sort Results by Specific Column (1-9) Ctrl + Column # (1-9)
Refresh Address Book Ctrl + Alt + R


To view a printer-friendly version, please see the attached Keystroke Legend document.


KB168 - InfraWare Keyboard Shortcuts.pdf (126.0Kb)

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Direct Link to This KB

Last Updated
Monday, April 26, 2021

FD first draft keystrokes keyboard shortcut shortcuts legend formatting format KB168 168 618 KB618 hotkey hotkeys hot key cheat-sheet cheat sheet
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