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How can I turn on auto-capitalization?

Answer / Solution

How can I turn on auto-capitalization?


The ITC Editor supports auto-capitalization of the first word of each new sentence.  This feature is activated with a checkbox on the Editor tab of the ITC User Settings screen.


After logging into the ITC, you can get to the Edit User Settings window one of two ways:

  • Click the Settings tab on the menu bar and choose the Edit User Settings

  • Push F10

Once at the User Settings window, click on the Editor tab.  In the middle of the page you will see an Auto Capitalization heading.  Below, you can choose one of two options:

  • Auto-Capitalize as you type

This will cause the ITC Editor to detect circumstances when you would normally want to capitalize.  For example, if you type a period, then two spaces, then type a word, it will capitalize the first letter of the next word automatically.

  • Enable following single space

Click the checkbox located next to the respective options.

See KB310 for a special auto-capitalization related to editing.

Related KBs
How do I Change User Settings in the ITC?
ITC User Settings
What is the Editing Auto-Capitalize Feature?
First Draft: Turn on Editing Auto Capitalize Feature

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Last Updated
Thursday, December 3, 2015

auto capitalization auto-capitalization capital auto-capitalize capitalize KB204
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