InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "stats"

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What is the Consider billable jobs as Complete for Queue Stats option in the IMC user preferences?
Restricting Information Included in Queue Stats 
What are Detailed Stats?
Queue: Detailed Statistics Page 
How can I plan my workforce needs?
Planning workforce needs using Detailed Stats 
Allow Access to Detailed Stats
Make Detailed Statistics Available in EHR Web Portal 
How do I make a Job Stat in the Secure Web Portal?
Mark Job STAT in Secure Web Portal 
In what order are jobs presented to MTs for transcription?
Queuing Methods Explained 
What are Urgent jobs?
Urgent Jobs vs. Stat Jobs 
How is turn-around time affected when a regular job gets changed to stat?
Restarting TAT when job changed to Stat 
Can I prevent STAT Jobs from going to QA as part of a sampling percentage?
Prevent stat jobs from going to QA 
How can I know when a Stat or Urgent job arrives in the ITC?
Stat and Urgent Jobs Explained 
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