InfraWare, Inc.

Search Results
You searched for "records"

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How do I view current ADT records in the IMC?
Viewing current ADT records 
How do I perform a search on the ADT screen for ADT records?
Performing ADT Record Search from ADT Window 
How do I edit ADT records?
Editing ADT Records 
How do I specify how incoming dictations match ADT records?
Matching ADT Records to New Jobs 
Key Terms used in the InfraWare 360 platform
InfraWare 360 Platform Key Terms 
Best Practices in Dictation
How can I control recording in the IDC?
Recording Dictation via PC microphone 
How can an author be sure they are being recorded?
TDS Feedback Tones 
What do I do if Dictations stop recording in the middle of dictating with InfraWare Dictation or InfraWare Mobile?
Troubleshooting - Recording Stops in the Middle of Recording 
How do I perform a dictation using InfraWare Mobile for iOS?
How to perform a dictation using the InfraWare Mobile application for iOS. 
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