InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "faxing"

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Fax Delivery Instructions for the ITC
Faxing through the ITC 
How do I disable faxing in Secure Web Portal?
Disable Fax on Demand in the Secure Web Portal 
How do I fax a Completed Job in the Secure Web Portal?
Fax on demand from EHR Web Portal 
How do fax retries work?
How fax retries work 
How does Return to QA work?
Return to QA 
What is the ITC Editor (Editor Window)?
Overview & Features of the ITC Editor 
Use Facility Information for Fax Cover Page
Display Facility Info on Fax Cover Page 
How can I tell the platform to use a fax cover page by default?
Facility Settings - Use Fax Cover Page by Default 
How do I add an envelope or fax from the address book?
Add Fax Instruction or Add Envelope 
How can I upload my logo to display on the fax cover page?
Account Settings - Fax Logo 
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