InfraWare, Inc.

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How can I Allow (or Deny) Authors to Access Audio?
Facility Settings - Allow Authors to Access Audio 
How do I adjust amplification and pitch of audio in the ITC?
Adjust Amplification in the ITC  
How can I prevent matching bad ADT info to jobs?
Setting Exclusions for ADT Auto-Matching 
What are the options for dictation on the InfraWare 360 platform?
InfraWare Platform Dictation Options 
How can an author be sure they are being recorded?
TDS Feedback Tones 
How do I add a TDS Authorization for a new custom number?
Add TDS Authorization 
What does the Source column mean on the First Draft Author Details page?
Dictation sources for feeding into First Draft 
How do I set a QA requirement for an author?
Routing to QA by Author 
What is the Fraction Enable column in First Draft Author Candidate lists?
Fraction Enabled 
What does the Display Filter do on the First Draft Authors page?
Filter authors based on First Draft grades 
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