InfraWare, Inc.

Search Results
You searched for "Quality"

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QA Queue Management
How to Perform Administrative QA 
How do I set a QA requirement for an author?
Routing to QA by Author 
How do I QA a document?
Perform QA using the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) 
How to create a post-production job sample for QA Scoring?
QA Score Job Sample 
How do I add a QA (Quality Analysis) requirement for a specific transcriptionist?
Routing to QA by Transcriptionist 
What is a QA Admin?
Master QA Permissions 
How to assign a Facility/Document Type/Author to a specific QA Editor/QA Pool.
Assign a specific QA pool/QA Editor to a facility 
Display the transcribing MT's name during QA
Display Transcribing MT's Name During QA 
Best Practices in Dictation
What audio files does InfraWare support?
Supported Audio Formats Explained 
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