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How to assign a Facility/Document Type/Author to a specific QA Editor/QA Pool.

Answer / Solution

How to assign a Facility to a specific QA Editor/QA Pool


The InfraWare 360 platform allows InfraWare Administrators to assign a specific QA editor or QA pool to a facility, document type, or author when the jobs are marked for QA.  With this feature, when a job is given a QA mark in the ITC, it will then be immediately routed to that specific QA pool or QA editor.


  • Login to the IMC using your Administrator Username and password.
To create a QA assignment for a specific facility: 
  • Navigate to the Workflow tab, QA Management Sub-tab.
  • Under Facilities, click "Manage"
  • Choose the facility from the drop-down menu and click "Add"

  • Select Account User, use the drop-down to select the specific QA editor by name
  • Select QA Pool, use the drop-down to select the QA pool
  • Place a checkmark next to "Use QA Sampling Percentage
  • "Sample 1 of every ______ jobs"  In the blank fill in 1000 (or any other high number).  (The purpose for using the number 1000 or a similar large number is to get the number of jobs sampled for QA to be as close to 0 as possible.  In this case, 1 in every 1000 jobs will be sent to QA that did not have a QA mark). 
  • Click Save

Please note:  To set up a QA assignment for an MT pool, Transcriptionist, Author pool, and for each document type and author, follow the same steps, except under their respective category. 

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Last Updated
Friday, December 4, 2015

QA quality assurance pool assignment editor facility KB318
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