InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "faxes"

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Use Facility Information for Fax Cover Page
Display Facility Info on Fax Cover Page 
How do fax retries work?
How fax retries work 
How can I upload my logo to display on the fax cover page?
Account Settings - Fax Logo 
Facility Fax Logo
Facility Logo for Fax Cover Page 
Fax Delivery Instructions for the ITC
Faxing through the ITC 
How can I tell the platform to use a fax cover page by default?
Facility Settings - Use Fax Cover Page by Default 
How do I add an envelope or fax from the address book?
Add Fax Instruction or Add Envelope 
How do I add my company logo to the fax cover page?
Upload Logo for Fax Cover Page 
How do I fax a Completed Job in the Secure Web Portal?
Fax on demand from EHR Web Portal 
How do I disable faxing in Secure Web Portal?
Disable Fax on Demand in the Secure Web Portal 
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