InfraWare, Inc.

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What are Global Documents?
Global Documents Explained 
How do MTs access the Global Documents from the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) software?
ITC Global Documents Explained 
How can I make my ADT database have separate date entries for the same patient?
Overwritten ADT Entries Explained 
How do I Upload a Patient List?
How to Upload a Patient List 
Best Practices in Dictation
How do I use the First Draft Template Training Environment?
Steps on how to access the First Draft Template Training tools in the ITE 
Why do I get a pop-up asking for a reason when I download a job in the IMC?
Download Reason Explained 
What is the Workflow Screen on InfraWare Dictation for Android?
InfraWare Mobile for Android Workflow Screen Explained 
How does playback work when reaching the end of the audio file?
Rewind to start when end of job reached 
How do I use the Dictation Schedule in InfraWare Dictation for Android?
InfraWare Mobile for Android Dictation Schedule 
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