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What are Global Documents?

Answer / Solution

Global Documents


Global Documents are typically used to distribute patient demographic data (in the form of patient lists, appointment lists or encounter lists) when an ADT interface is not in place.  Documents can be easily uploaded by Administrators using the IMC or by facility users via the Secure Web Portal.  The process is the same. The screen shot listed below is illustrating where to upload a document using the IMC:

  • Both the content and the format (file type) can be just about anything. 
  • The file can be in any format providing the transcriptionist can open that file type.  The only limitation is that the transcriptionist's computer needs to know how to open the file.  For example, an MS Word document in DOCX format can be opened by users with the newest version of MS Word, but users with older versions would not be able to open that file type.  The InfraWare Global Documents feature will make the document available as expected, but the computer wouldn't know how to open it.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf format) is recommended since, it can be downloaded for free by the transcriptionist.

Once uploaded, Global Documents are available to transcriptionists from the ITC by using the keystroke Ctrl + Shift + G.  A listing is presented that can be filtered by Facility or Description.  As you type a description the list will filter to show results:

Here is a short video that describes the Global Documents feature:

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Last Updated
Thursday, December 2, 2021

Global Documents patient demographic ADT list encounters appointments upload KB626
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