InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "authorize"

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ITC Error Message at login: "You are not an authorized or active transcriptionist."
License assignment required for ITC login 
What is a Proxy Submission for dictations? Why would I set up a proxy submission?
Authorizing proxy submissions 
Why will a QA Pending job not route to me when I log into the ITC?
Routing QA Pending Jobs 
Can I prevent STAT Jobs from going to QA as part of a sampling percentage?
Prevent stat jobs from going to QA 
How do Pools work?
How User Pools Work Explained 
What is a QA Admin?
Master QA Permissions 
How do I setup jobs to go to QA?
QA Workflow Explained 
How do I route jobs to eSign-off by Document Type?
Routing to eSign-off by Document Type 
Can a user eSign for another user?
eSign-off Proxies Explained 
How can I edit a completed job?
Revise completed jobs 
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