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How do I route jobs to eSign-off by Document Type?

Answer / Solution


How to Route Jobs from Document Type to eSign-Off


InfraWare 360 allows an author or a designated proxy to approve a document before delivery. Setting this up is a 3-step process:

  • Upload the author signature in author settings.
  • Add the signature insert to the appropriate template.
  • Add eSign-off to the workflow routing. Note that this eSign-off rule applies to any author dictating this Document Type; if the desired rule applies to all dictations for a specific author the setting under author settings should be used instead of adding a document type setting.

Refer to KB226 for directions on creating Author. Author enrollment is required for this option.


  • Log into the IMC using your username and password.
  • Navigate to the Document Config. Admins may set automatic routing to eSign by selecting eSign-off Settings on the Document Type creation page.
  • Document Types --> Selecting or Creating a Document type --> Click on 'ESign-off Settings' at the bottom right). This will open the "eSign-off Requirement for Document Type" for the Document Type in the Workflow Tab > eSign-off Management.
  • Select who is authorized to approve jobs from this document type (the job author, a specific account user or a pool). If a second sign-off is required, select the box beside "Add a second eSign-off Level.

Once all of your settings are set up appropriately, press the "Save" at the bottom of the screen to commit your changes.

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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

KB529 workflow doc document type signature eSign-off eSign Authors physician doctor
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