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What does the "Grade" column mean on the First Draft Author Details page?

Answer / Solution

First Draft Grades Explained


Authors often dictate multiple Document Types. If Infraware has received an adequate amount of volume for a given Document Type / Author / Dictation Source (telephone, InfraWare Dictation, hand-held recorder) combination, then that Document Type is “graded” automatically by Infraware and made visible to an Account Administrator under that Author’s First Draft Details page.

  • Login to the IMC using your Administrator username and password
  • Select the First Draft tab, then click on Authors sub-tab.

Grading on the InfraWare 360 platform is a complex process which seeks to determine the quality of recognition results for an Author / Document Type / Dictation Source combination, and then presents this information in a simple way with letter grade.

  • An "A+" grade is assigned if First Draft determines that dictations for an Author / Document Type / Dictation Source produce exceptional First Draft results. For these documents, a minimal amount of editing needs to be done, and it should be easy to see an increase in productivity when First Draft results are given to an experienced editor. Accounts at Fast Start Edition or above can enable these combinations.
  • An "A" grade is assigned if First Draft determines that dictations for an Author / Document Type / Dictation Source produce excellent First Draft results. For these documents, a minimal amount of editing needs to be done, and it should be easy to see an increase in productivity when First Draft results are given to an experienced editor. Accounts at Fast Start Edition or above can enable this work.
  • A "B" grade is assigned if the First Draft output will take a more typical amount of editing in order to bring the report up to being accurate. These results still show significant promise, but they will take a more experienced editor to work. For this reason, they may not be ideal for Accounts just starting out with First Draft. These are available to Accounts at the Professional Edition or above.
  • A "C" grade is given if, for whatever reason, the First Draft results for this Author / Document Type / Dictation Source combination seems to need a higher level of editing. A seasoned editor and administrator may be able to find significant value even among the "C" level work, so for this reason an Account needs to enroll in the "Expert" Edition to enable this work.


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Last Updated
Monday, November 9, 2020

First Draft speech recognition Authors Grading Grade Level KB510
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