InfraWare, Inc.

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You searched for "specifications"

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What are Document Specifications?
Document Specifications explained 
How can I define interface specifications?
Interface specs 
How do I create a document specification?
Instructions for Creating Document Specifications 
What EHR Interfaces are available?
Results Interface Specifications 
How do I install the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC)?
How to Install the ITC 
How can I set up Facility-specific QA information to be displayed when performing QA?
Setting up Facility-specific QA Information 
What are the characteristics of the ITC Editor Function Panel?
ITC Editor Function Panel Explained 
What is new in the Online Editor?
What's new in the Online Editor? 
What is the InfraWare proprietary results interface format?
Free Results Interface: InfraWare Proprietary Format 
How do I Control Audio Settings in the ITC?
ITC keyboard Audio Controls 
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