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How can I set up Facility-specific QA information to be displayed when performing QA?

Answer / Solution

Setting up Facility-specific QA Information


The IMC allows administrators to set up QA-specific instructions to be displayed while working on QA jobs in the ITC. 

NOTE:  At this time to the IMC setup portion of this feature is available in IMC Beta.  The ITC and Online Editor will require an update before these instructions will be displayed.  This KB will be updated when this feature is fully available. 


  • Administrator login for the IMC.


  • Log in to the IMC.
  • Go to the Administration tab, Facilities sub-tab, and then click on the name of a Facility to load the settings for that facility.
  • Scroll down to the Transcription sectink, QA Specifications option, and click on the Manage link.
  • This will open a pop-up window with options for setting QA Specifications.
  • Type any details you wish in the Specifications area and click on Save Changes.
  • The specifications will be saved to the server and the pop-up will close automatically.

Please note:  The InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) and OE (Online Editor) will require updates in order to display this information for QA users during the QA process; however, administrators can begin setting up this information on a per-facility basis now using IMC Beta.  Further details will be added to this KB article when available.  Please contact Support for any questions.

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Last Updated
Friday, January 22, 2016

Facility QA Information details instructions KB878
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