How do Saved Searches work?
Saved Searches are a powerful feature of the Reports tab of the Secure Web Portal. Users can create as many Saved Searches as needed to quickly display jobs meeting certain criteria.
Saved Searches are unique to each InfraWare user. In addition to identifying which jobs are displayed, a Saved Search can include:
- Which columns are included on the Reports page
- The order in which the displayed jobs are sorted
A special Saved Search called [DEFAULT] exists for each user. This is the criteria which is applied upon initial loading of the Reports page before other criteria is specified by the user. The user can modify this Saved Search to accommodate their preferences. Another special Saved Search which exists for each user is called [RETURN ALL]. As the name implies, this is a quick way to display all jobs without regard to any filter criteria.
Note: To keep the Reports page operating quickly and displaying only relevant information, the Reports page is already filtered by the Date Range criteria before Saved Searches are evaluated. The default date range is 15 days. Other options are available.
Creating New Saved Searches
On the Reports tab, select the Saved Searches sub-tab.
From the Saved Searches page, there are several headings that you will need to adjust/edit to create a search
- Load Existing Search
To load an existing search, click the drop down menu below the respective heading. From there, click one of the options available and click the Load Settings button. This will refresh the page and load all of the settings from that saved search.
- Filter Criteria
Under the Filter Criteria heading, there are drop down menus where you can choose from several different options. After selecting an option from the first drop down menu, the page will refresh and a second level of drop down menus will reveal that includes the same options as the drop down menu above it. The reason for these menus is to filter criteria for the search you are saving.
- Column Selections
Under the Column Selections heading, there are two boxes: Available Columns and Chosen Columns. Highlight the option that you want to choose and click the Add button to move that option to the Chosen Column box. If you want to move more than one option at a time, you can hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard and click multiple options.
- Sort By
Near the bottom of the page is the Sort By heading with two drop down menus. The first drop down menu is Status, which you can choose a status of the following: Delivered, Patient Name, Subject, or Document Type. The second drop down menu is where you can choose from either ASC or DESC.
- Save this Search
Lastly you can save your search by naming it in the space provided. Remember to use the special name: [DEFAULT] if you want this to define how the job list initially loads for this user.
After you have made adjustments and settings to your search, you can click the Save Settings button at the bottom of the page to save it for later use or click the Save & Load in Queue button to save and load it immediately.
Creating New Saved Searches and Modifying Existing Ones
A new Saved Search can be based on an existing one. This saves considerable time. To modify an existing Saved Search or base a new Saved Search on an existing one, select a Saved Search from the top of the Saves Searches screen and click Load Settings. The screen will populate with the settings for that Saved Search. To modify this Search, make your desired changes to the settings, then click Save Settings at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, to create a new Saved Search after modifying the settings, enter a new name in the Name field before clicking Save Settings.