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What settings are available for InfraWare Dictation for iOS and how do I find them?

Answer / Solution

InfraWare Dictation for iOS Settings


InfraWare Dictation for iOS has some configuration options available to customize the user experience.


  • Launch the “Settings” app from your iOS home screen. The settings for the different applications you have installed on your iOS device are listed near the bottom. 
  • Tap on the icon for “InfraWare.”


  • Allow InfraWare to Access:   Control access to Location and Microphone.  Microphone must be allowed in order to dictate.
  • Auto-start Record:  Control whether or not recording begins as soon as the Dictation screen is launched.
  • Wi-Fi uploads Only:  If this setting is “ON” dictations will only be uploaded to the InfraWare 360 platform if a Wi-Fi connection is in place. This option might be used if a user is concerned about going over a data limit imposed by their wireless carrier.
  • Prompt on Submit:  Control whether or not a prompt will be given before submitting an audio file.
  • Prompt on Overwrite:  Control whether or not a prompt will be given when the Overwrite option is used.
  • Show Schedule Times:  Control whether or not appointment times are shown for schedule entries.  Some users prefer to just see the date of the entry.
  • Use Touch ID:  Control whether or not Touch ID will be used to sign in.  Details on how to setup and use Touch ID *HERE*.


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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

InfraWare Dictation Settings KB921
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