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How are template metrics calculated?

Answer / Solution

Template Metrics Explained


The InfraWare 360 platform has a very accurate mathematical process for calculating the line counts of jobs.  As you can imagine, this can get quite complicated depending on the options used by an administrator.  Template metrics are calculated at the time a Template is uploaded to the platform.  The template includes fields and headings the transcriptionist does not need to add, like the header, footer, ADT fields, templated fields, etc..  Metrics for a job are calculated each time a job is submit to the platform (Save Without Advancing or marking a job as Complete).  For each revision of a job the platform stores a count of the total metrics:

  • Metrics of the job including the template
  • Metrics of the job excluding the template
  • Metrics of the job for Optional Template Text
  • Metrics of the job for Secondary Text

From this information you have the value from the Template and you have the metrics of the completed job submitted by the
transcriptionist (or submitted using Save Without Advancing).  The pay model is calculated based on this information.  Each pay model can be set to exclude template text.

There are some other factors that can be set up by your administrator if there are headings on a template which the
transcriptionist might have to remove during transcription. That feature is called Optional Template Text.  Headings generated by First Draft are considered Optional Template Text by default, so you are not penalized if you remove them during the editing process.


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Last Updated
Thursday, March 28, 2024

template metrics ITE KB913
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