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How can I specify criteria for Saved Searches in IMC or Secure Web Portal?

Answer / Solution

Criteria for Saved Searches in IMC or Secure Web Portal


When creating or modifying Saved Searches in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) or Secure Web Portal, the following filter criteria apply:

  • Saved Settings Help

Must Have -

All of these criteria must be met for a dictation to be returned.
May Have - At least one of these criteria must be met for a dictation to be returned.
Must Not Have - All of these criteria must not be met for a dictation to be returned.
Visible Columns - The order of the columns in the list (top to bottom) will be displayed in the queue (left to right).

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Last Updated
Friday, January 26, 2018

Search Must Columns rows columns saved criteria KB90
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