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How do I navigate the Deliveries page from the ITC without using the mouse?

Answer / Solution

ITC Keyboard-only Navigation - Deliveries Page


The foundation for increasing productivity is minimizing use of the mouse.  The Deliveries page in the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) can be accessed and manipulated with use of the keyboard only.  This article outlines the steps to navigate this page in the ITC with use of Keyboard Shortcuts and standard Windows form navigation:


  • Display the Delivery Screen - Ctrl + Shift + D
  • Delivery Instructions window:
    • New Delivery Instruction button - Alt + W
  • New Delivery Instruction window:  Focus will be in the Enter Fax Number field. From here you can tab through the fields or use the following shortcuts:
    • Existing Destination - Alt +Q
    • Fax - Alt + P to select the Fax radio button and enter a fax number
      • Include Cover Page check box toggle - Alt + L
    • EMail - Alt + M to select the email radio button and then enter an EMail.  You can Tab and Enter to get to the Address Book icon.
    • Results Interface - Alt + L
      • When Results Interface is selected, puts focus in the list, arrow up/down the list, tab to put focus on the list.  If Specification is not displayed this shortcut would do nothing (only displays if you choose Results Interface from the Format field).
    • Requires Release Before Delivery - Alt + R
  • All Windows:
    • Save - Alt + S
    • Cancel - Alt + N
    • Close Window - Alt +F4
    • Next Option - Tab
    • Previous Option - 
    • Minimize/Maximize Window dialogue - Alt + Spacebar (Alt + Shift + Spacebar in Windows 8/10) and then use the underlined Hotkey as shown below:

 Of note, you can always use the Tab and Shift + Tab and Enter keys to navigate around most windows on the Windows Operating System.

  • For example:
    • Enter a fax number as dictated:
      • Just begin typing in that field.
      • Tab x 5 to put focus on the Apply button and press Enter.
    • Search the address book:
      • Tab to put focus on the Address Book icon and press Enter.
      • Tab to put focus on the Filter by, Name field and type the name or Tab through the fields to enter Organization, City, Fax.
      • Tab to put focus on the Apply button and press Enter.
      • Select from the Results list:
        • Shift + Tab to put focus on the results (focus will be on the fax number).
        • If there are multiple entries you can move focus up the list using Shift + Tab.
        • Once you have focus on the Name or Fax number for the entry you need press Enter to select.
      • The entry selected will be populated in the Enter Fax Number field. 
    • Press Shift + Tab x 6 to put Save in focus and press Enter.
    • If there are no other delivery instructions needed press Alt + F4 to close the screen.

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Last Updated
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Keyboard shortcut navigation Deliveries KB891
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