Answer / Solution |

Setting Permission to Score a Job
The InfraWare 360 platform allows editors to perform QA scoring on jobs either during production or post-production. During the production stage, QA scoring can be done during the QA in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) process (see KB271) or while performing QA in the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC). During the post-production stage, QA scoring can also be done in the Online Editor from the IMC. Transcriptionist Settings include a permission for whether or not the MT/QA is allowed to score jobs. If a QA person does not have this permission they can still provide MT Feedback (KB306).
- Online Editor Beta version is required in order to observe this permission to Score in the Online Editor. This version is currently in limited Beta release.
- ITC version or newer is required in order to observe this permission to Score in the ITC. This version is currently being tested internally.
- Log in to the IMC.
- Go to the Administration tab ⇒ Users sub-tab.
- Select the MT by clicking on the Username and scrolling to Transcriptionist Settings or by clicking on the pencil icon in the user listing.
- In the Basic Settings section check the box next to "Allow MT to perform QA Scoring".

- Click Save Changes.