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How do I use the Address Book in the ITC?

Answer / Solution

Using the Address Book in the ITC


InfraWare 360 supports an Address Book feature for referring physicians and other contacts.  The Address Book entries are managed in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC).  During transcription, Address Book entries are available from the Address Book button in the ITC Editor. 


In the ITC Editor:

  • Use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B or click the Address icon:
  • Enter the Search Criteria for the physician/facility.  Focus will default to the Last Name field when the window opens.  The list below will automatically filter as you enter Search Criteria.
  • Insert:  The options in the Insert section can be used to insert the selection into the document and also add a new fax instruction, envelope, email, or as CC by checking the appropriate box in the Insert section and then clicking on the desired option.

    • Keyboard shortcuts:  Keyboard shortcuts should be used to more efficiently insert the selection on the document canvas and to create delivery instructions for the selection.
      Insert Standard - Address Block Ctrl + A
      Insert Standard - Address Block as CC Ctrl + Shift + A
      Insert Standard - Full Name Ctrl + N
      Insert Standard - Full Name as CC Ctrl + Shift + N
      Insert Standard - Full Name and Email
      Ctrl + D
      Insert Standard - Full Name and Email as CC for selected entry
      Ctrl + Shift + D
      Insert Standard - Full Name and Fax
      Ctrl + B
      Insert Standard - Full Name and Fax as CC for selected entry
      Ctrl + Shift + B
  • Delivery Instructions:  If the Address Book entry is needed to add a CC by fax, click the New Fax button.  This allows you to save time by creating a new Delivery Instruction (to be executed upon job completion) from this screen without also loading the Delivery screen.  Similarly, if the CC should be sent by Secure Email, click the New Email button right below the New Fax button.
    • Keyboard shortcuts:  Keyboard shortcuts should be used to more efficiently create delivery instructions for the selection. 
      Misc Actions - New Email Instruction
      Ctrl + S
      Misc Actions - Toggle New Email Instruction Ctrl + Shift + S
      Misc Actions - New Fax Instruction
      Ctrl + I
      Misc Actions - Toggle New Fax Instruction Ctrl + Shift + R
  • Insert Other:  Options in this section can be used to insert a telephone number, fax number, full name, or add an envelope. 
  • Add CC Only:  Select a name and use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O to Add selection as a CC only.  ITC version or later is required for this option. 
  • Close after Insert:  If this box is checked the window will automatically close when you make your selection. 

  • Insert at Bottom: If this options is checked the selection will be inserted at the bottom of the document instead of the current cursor position.  Keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + I toggles this option. 
  • When the cursor is placed in any of the fields below in the ADT screen, enter the Physician's name and press Ctrl + Shift + A to search for that physician in the Address Book.  Press Ctrl + Shift + V to populate the name in the address book into the field in the ADT screen.   
    • Attending Physician fields
    • Referring Physician fields
    • Admitting Physician fields

ITC Address Book Keyboard Shortcuts

Address Book
Display Address Book Ctrl + Shift + B
Insert Other - Telephone # Ctrl + T
Insert Other - Fax # Ctrl + F
Insert Standard - Address Block Ctrl + A
Insert Standard - Address Block as CC Ctrl + Shift + A
Insert Standard - Full Name Ctrl + N
Insert Standard - Full Name as CC Ctrl + Shift + N
Insert Standard - Full Name and Email
Ctrl + D
Insert Standard - Full Name and Email as CC for selected entry
Ctrl + Shift + D
Insert Standard - Full Name and Fax
Ctrl + B
Insert Standard - Full Name and Fax as CC for selected entry
Ctrl + Shift + B
Misc Actions - Add Envelope Only

Ctrl + E

Misc Actions - Toggle Envelope Option in Address Book Window Ctrl + Shift + E
Misc Actions - New Email Instruction
Ctrl + S
Misc Actions - Toggle New Email Instruction Ctrl + Shift + S
Misc Actions - New Fax Instruction
Ctrl + I
Misc Actions - Toggle New Fax Instruction Ctrl + Shift + R
Misc Actions - Toggle Insert at Bottom
Ctrl + Alt + I
Misc Actions - Paste Entry in ADT Ctrl + Shift + V
Misc Actions - Enter Manual Address Ctrl + M
Misc Actions - Add CC Entry Only Ctrl + O
Misc Actions - Refresh Address Book Ctrl + Alt + R
Sort Results by Specific Column (1-9) Ctrl + Column # (1-9


  • ITC versions and newer will try to be intelligent about when to use the prefix and suffix when inserting from the Address Book.  If a prefix and suffix are both specified for a contact then the ITC will look to see if the suffix is "jr, sr, iii, iv, or v". If that is the case then the ITC will insert the name with both the prefix and suffix (e.g., Mr. Jim Smith, Jr); if that isn't the case then the ITC assumes that the suffix is a credential and will not include the prefix (e.g., Jim Smith, M.D. instead of the prior behavior of Dr. Jim Smith, M.D.)

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How do you manage the Address Book in the IMC?
Managing the Address Book in the IMC
How can I make it easier to find entries in the Address Book?
Auto-filter Address Book by Facility
How do I keep the address book open in the ITC?
How to keep the address book open

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Last Updated
Friday, September 27, 2024

Address Book Refresh ITC KB875
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