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What options are on the Users page in the IMC?

Answer / Solution

Users Page Explained


This article covers the options available on the Users page in the IMC.


  • Administrator login to the IMC with access to the Users Page. 


The Users page is located under the Administration tab ⇒ Users sub-tab.


The Users page lists all Users under an Account.  Options and available Actions are explained below.


  • Filter the Listing:  Filter the list of users with the following options.  Click the Search button to refresh the listing based on those chosen filters:

    • Facility:  Select from the drop-down menu to filter the list of users by the Facilities for which they have an assigned Role.  Options include the following:
      • All of My Preferred Facilities:  See KB809 for details on this feature.
      • Account Level Only: Displays only Users with Account roles. This will not display users with only Facility Roles (Author, Facility Admin, Executive).
      • Facility Specific:  Choose a Facility from the list to list only users with a role under that Facility.  Your Preferred Facilities will be listed in the top menu and other Facilities will be below the dividing line shown in the screenshot below.
      • All:  Show all users under your Account.
    • Role:  Select from the drop-down menu to filter the list by the user type. Options include:
      • Transcriptionist:  List all users of your account who have the Transcriptionist Role assigned.
      • Administrator:  List all users of your account who have the Administrator Role assigned.
      • Manager:  List all users of your account who have the Manager Role assigned.
      • System Administrator:  List all users of your account who have the System Administrator Role assigned.
      • Author:  List all users of your account who have the Author Role assigned.
      • Facility Administrator:  List all users of your account who have the Facility Administrator Role assigned.
      • Executive:  List all users of your account who have the Executive Role assigned.
      • Deleted Users:  List all users of your account who have been Deleted.
      • All:  All users.  This is the default.
    • Manager:  Select from the drop-down menu to filter by managers.  See KB805 for details on assigning a manager to a Transcriptionist on the HR screen and KB800 for details on assigning a manager to a Facility on the CRM screen.
      • All Managers:  All users assigned to all managers. This is the default.  
      • Not Specified:  List users for whom no manager has been assigned.
      • Choose a Manager:  Managers who have been assigned to users will be listed.  Choose a manager from the list to filter the list to users assigned to that manager. 
    • Name:  Filter the user listing by name or partial name.
    • Ext ID:  Filter the user listing by External ID assigned to the User. See KB163 for details.
    • EMail:  Filter the user listing by eMail address or partial eMail address.
  • Columns:  The listing can by sorted by clicking on the column heading.  Column headings are described below.

    • Facility:  For each user this column will display the Facility under which the user has an assigned Role.  If more than one Facility has an assigned role "Multiple" will be displayed.
    • Name: User name with LastName, FirstName.
    • E-mail:  Lists the eMail address for the user, used as their login eMail for the platform.
    • Ext ID:  External ID for the user, if one as been assigned.  See KB163 for details.
    • SPR:  Initials of the Manager assigned to the user or Facility under which the user has a Role assigned, if one is available.  See KB805 for details on assigning a manager to a Transcriptionist on the HR screen and KB800 for details on assigning a manager to a Facility on the CRM screen.
    • MT:  A pencil icon on the listing indicates the user has been assigned the Transcriptionist role.  Click on this pencil icon to go directly to Transcriptionist Settings. 
    • ITC:  A checkmark here indicates the Transcriptionist has an assigned ITC license.
    • Role Indicators: 
      • Admin:  A checkmark here indicates the user has the Administrator role assigned.
      • Manager:   A checkmark here indicates the user has the Manager role assigned.
      • Sys Admin:  A checkmark here indicates the user has the System Administrator role assigned.
      • Author:  A checkmark here indicates the user has the Author role assigned.
      • Fac Admin:  A checkmark here indicates the user has the Facility Administrator role assigned.
      • Executive:  A checkmark here indicates the user has the Executive role assigned.
    • HR:  If the user has the Transcriptionist role assigned there will be an icon in this column.  Click the icon to go directly to the HR Settings for that user.
    • Page Size:  Limit the number of rows in the user listing by selecting from the drop-down menu.  Default is 100.
  • Actions: 
    • New User:  Create a new User by clicking this link.
    • Select a user or users by checking the box next to the name and choose from the following options:
      • Delete Users:  See KB301 for details on Deleting a User.
      • Edit Selected MTs:  Edit MT-specific settings for selected Transcriptionist users by clicking the link.  A new page will load allowing you to change settings for multiple MT's. Check the box next to the setting you want to change, then make the change.  Click Save when finished.
      • Copy Selected User:  Click this link to copy the selected user and create a new user with the same settings.
      • Manage Saved Searches:  Click the link to manage Saved Searches for the selected user(s). See KB106 for details on how Saved Searches work and KB582 for details on copying Saved Searches to Others.
      • Send New Message:  Click this link to open the send message with the selected users specified. A popup window will display with other options. See KB357 for details.
      • Download MT Info:  Download HR page data for MT's where you are set as the Account Manager or Workflow Coordinator.  See KB800 for details on how to set this up for a Transcriptionist on their HR page.

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Last Updated
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

user listing KB807
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