KB708 Print this KB      
How do I superscript/subscript characters in the ITC?

Answer / Solution

How to Superscript/Subscript text in the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC)


The InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) includes basic word processing features, including formatting options for superscript/subscript.  If you have been instructed to use this special formatting you can follow the steps outlined below. 


Options for Superscript and Subscript are available under the Format Menu option ⇒ Character, and can be accessed easily using keystroke Ctrl + Shift + F


  • Use Keystroke Ctrl + Shift + F to bring up the formatting options:
  • Select Superscript (Alt + C) or Subscript (Alt + S)  under the Position section.
    • Once an Superscript or Subscript are select an option will be available to set the position offset. 
      • It is not necessary to change this option.  Default is 3.0 pt.
  • Click OK or ENTER when you are done selecting the desired option.  The window will close and focus will be on the document.


  • Highlight text and perform the steps above to format selected text.
  • Follow the steps above and then begin typing.  Text will be formatted as selected until you change the formatting or move the cursor to another position in the document.
  • For frequently used content for which this special formatting is required you may wish to create a Quick Type entry to be executed quickly, without going into the Format menu.  See KB186 for details on Quick Type.

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Quick Type Explained

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Last Updated
Monday, January 22, 2018

superscript subscript itc KB708
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