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Is there a report where I can see statistics on my author's dictations?

Answer / Solution

Dictation Statistics


In this guide, you will learn how to run a Dictation Activity Report, which provides a summary of how many dictations are submitted over a given time and where they came from.


When you run the report you have the option to filter by facility, start & end date, the origination (or source of the dictation), author pool, author, document category and/or document type. You also have the option to include duplicated jobs (created by doing a job split). Finally, you have the option to display the results with the first level group being facility or the origination.


  • Select Dictation Activity on the Reports tab.

  • The report results will be grouped by facility, origination, author and document type. Expanding all of these groupings (expansion can be accomplished by clicking on the + sign) will show you job details including the date submitted, job number, duration and number of pages.
  • In addition, you can find specific TDS activity for authors well. You can access this information by clicking on the "TDS Activity Report" link found at the top of this report screen. When you link and run that report, you will be able to find out specific TDS information such as number of calls, call length etc...


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Last Updated
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

KB591, report, statistics activity dictation, author
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