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How can I change the properties for multiple jobs at one time?

Answer / Solution

Changing Properties on Multiple Jobs


At times a group of jobs will be submitted to the InfraWare 360 platform containing an incorrect property setting. Say for example, a facility administrator docks an author's PVR but sets the author as the wrong author. The InfraWare 360 Platform will allow you to change the author (or other properties if needed) at once through the following steps:


  • In the IMC --> Go to "Queue"

  • Choose "Admin Queue"

  • Place a checkmark in the boxes in front of the jobs that you want to edit

  • Click the Job Properties image in the top of the queue listing (this is the image with the four arrows)

  • Click "Edit Properties"

  • Place a Checkmark next to the item(s) you want to Edit

  • Use the dropdown boxes to choose those items you want to change

  • Once all changes are made, press the "Save Changes" button

  • Press "Close Window" in order to close the window and continue

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Last Updated
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

KB572 Properties Multiple job report Authors physician doctor Change
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