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How do I create a blank (no audio) job?

Answer / Solution

How to Create a Blank Job


InfraWare 360 allows transcriptionists to use the "Blank Job" feature to create jobs using the Transcription Client ITC software when a dictation never enters the platform, such as audio tapes, or when 3rd party systems are used for dictation.


The blank job will create a short three second audio file along with a job number using the document type of your choosing. After the transcriptionist has created the new Blank Job in the ITC, the new job will be submitted just like any other job on the platform.

You will need the following before you begin:

  • A transcriptionist login ID and password for the ITC. 


To create a blank job, you will perform the following steps:

  • Log in to the ITC using your email address and password provided by your Administrator.
  • You can access this feature from the ITC Main Window from the File menu by choosing  New Blank Job, or with the Keyboard Shortcut (Ctrl + N).

Create Options Include:

  • Subject
  • Facility
  • Author
  • Document Category
  • Document Type
  • Stat Job
  • Open after creating Job

  • After entering your options, click on "Create".
  • After a few seconds, the pop-up window will go away and a new job will appear in your ITC queue.
  • To open job, simply double-click or press enter on any selected job in the list.  This will open the ITC Editor and the ADT Screen where the job can be produced.

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Last Updated
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

KB555 Blank Jobs no audio file tape voice document
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