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How do I allow Facility Administrators to use the ITE?

Answer / Solution


How to give a Facility Admin the ability to use ITE

There are times when a Facility Administrator will need the ability to utilize the InfraWare Template Editor (ITE). This ability can be set on a facility by facility basis through the following steps:

  1. Go into the IMC
  2. Choose Administration --> Facilities
  3. Click on a Facility Name where you want the ability
  4. Make sure the window is in Advanced View (not Basic View)
  5. Look in the General section (the top section on this screen)
  6. Check the box next to the "Allow Facility Admin to use ITE"
  7. Press Update Facility at the bottom of the screen



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Last Updated
Thursday, July 12, 2012

KB554 FA Facility admin administrator template
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