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Does InfraWare support satellite Internet connections?

Answer / Solution

Satellite Internet Connection Compatibility

InfraWare does not support satellite internet connections.  The problem is that the latency involved in satellite internet connections is simply too high to reliably accommodate applications like InfraWare 360 that move large data files such as audio recordings in real time.

The InfraWare 360 platform is comprised of a number of applications and features, and there are a number of such features that might work fine over satellite much of the time.  However, the uploads and downloads associated with transcription using the ITC is of particular concern for high latency internet connections.  Even though satellite is faster than dial-up, its latency can be higher.

Cable and DSL connections should be used whenever possible.  If satellite is used, undesirable experiences should be expected and can't be supported.

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Last Updated
Thursday, December 17, 2015

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