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How do I allow eSign-off Pending jobs to be modified for a particular facility?

Answer / Solution

Allow eSign-off Pending Jobs to be Edited


The InfraWare 360 platform allows your authors to have the ability to edit documents that are in an eSign-off pending status. This functionality is part of the normal eSign off pending process.  The setting described below allows this to go one step further. When this box is checked, the author can find a job in the Secure Web Portal Queue and select the "Edit Completed Job" option.


Tasks to allow this ability for a facility

  • Login to the InfraWare Management Console using your Infraware Administrator Login and Password.
  • Select Administration tab --> Facilities subtab.
  • Select the Facility you want to edit
  • In the Advanced View, scroll down to the Secure Web Portal section
  • Place a checkmark next to "Allow eSign-off Pending Jobs to be Edited"
  • Click Update Facility to save your changes

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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Pending Jobs allow edit eSign-off KB430 edited
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